Can computer games help us to address societal challenges? [1] epresentations-complexity-interactive-digital Narratives have an essential role in recording, communicating and comprehending human existence. As the world around us becomes increasingly complex, traditional narrative forms are no longer adequate for this task. The discrepancy between our complex reality and a discourse still depends on the newspaper article and the TV newscasts open up opportunities for political extremism. What is needed instead are narrative representations of complexity. This means re-inventing narrative by using the opportunities afforded by digital media to create representations that contain competing perspectives, offer choices and show the resulting consequences while allowing for repeat experiences. — Hartmut Koenitz is Professor for Interactive Narrative Design at HKU University of the Arts Utrecht, researching Interactive Digital Narrative in Video Games and other emerging digital formats.Previously, he held the position of Assistant Professor in Mass Media Arts at the University of Georgia, and was a lecturer at Georgia Tech's School of Literature, Communication, and Culture. He also worked as a journalist, lecturer, book author, trainer, programmer, administrator and technical consultant. He was the CTO and lead programmer for the startup company [2] Hartmut wrote over 150 articles on digital technology and published two computer books. He taught over 40 courses on topics ranging from introduction to basic computer usage to video production and interactive narrative at FU Berlin, Tübingen University, and Georgia Tech. His list of clients as a consultant on media-related projects include Stanford University in Berlin, Ekuinteractive, Virtual College Berlin, and the Institute for Museum Research in Berlin ----------- Scott Rettberg Professor of Digital Culture, University of Bergen My new book Electronic Literature is now available from Polity: [3] References 1. 2. 3.