Dear Digital Narrative Network. We are pleased to announce a full slate of upcoming events this autumn — In addition to our “official” invited guest speaker on Sept. 12th, Digital Culture and the Machine Vision project have been able to bring several other relevant speakers with other funding. We hope that you will join as many of these public talks and events as you are able. Monday Sept. 9th 12-2 Auditorium A, Sydneshaugen Skole Jussi Parikka on Visual Cultures of Machine Learning and Warren Sack on The Software Arts Two leading researchers offer perspectives on the intersection of arts and computation. Jussi Parikka offers a lecture on "Fake Geography to Video Art: Visual Cultures of Machine Learning and Prediction." Warren Sack introduces his new book "The Software Arts, "which places the Arts and Humanities at the center of the history of computation. [1] -visual-cultures-machine-learning-and-warren-sack Thursday Sept 12th 12-1:15 Auditorium A, Sydneshaugen Skole Hartmut Koenitz on Representations of Complexity - Interactive Digital Narrative Enabling Discourse for the 21st Century [2] -representations-complexity-interactive-digital Monday Sept 16th 14:15-15:30 Jack Qiu: Data Power and Counterpower with Chinese Characteristics Professor Jack Qiu is a leading scholar from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, who has published several books on the state of technology in China. In this guest lecture he will discuss the current complexities of data power and counter power in China. [3] nd-counterpower-chinese-characteristics In addition, if you have time this weekend, I highly recommend checking out “great socks, bad vibes” — Samuel Brzeski and Laurie Lax’s exhibition at KMD Rom 61. The exhibition deals very directly with communication networks, (mis)communication and information overload. Samuel Brzeski’s installation mixing rapidly shifting texts of frantic questions posted on Quora with Doom metal engages very directly and viscerally with the idea of Digital Narrative. The exhibition is open this Saturday 17th 13.00-16.00 and Sunday 18th 13.00-16.00 [4] UiB Digital Culture is hiring is two permanent positions — one in Electronic Literature and another in Computer Games / Interactive Digital Narrative: [5] ring-electronic-literature-and-games-studiesinteractive-digital — if you know anyone who might be interested, please spread the word. We are planning to get together an organizational meeting for DNN sometime later in the month of September to plan the big events in November. We will send out a doodle within the next couple of weeks to figure a time that works for people. Remember to mark your calendar for Nov. 21-22 for the Digital Narrative Network conference and exhibition with keynote N. Katherine Hayles. If any of your groups are organizing any speakers, events, exhibitions, etc. relevant to the theme of Digital Narrative, please share it with us via this list and add the Digital Narrative Network to your UiB web announcements. You can either share it directly via the list or let me or Laurie know. We have been updating the UiB website for DNN— and will be posting more news, events, etc. here: [6] so be sure to check in every once in a while. Looking forward to seeing you at these upcoming events and best wishes on the new semester. All the Best, Scott ----------- Scott Rettberg Professor of Digital Culture, University of Bergen My new book Electronic Literature is now available from Polity: [7] References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.