->Orientering rundt BSI Friluft sine klatringaktiviteter<- Klatring er en risikoaktivitet som du utøver på eget ansvar. Du påtar deg det fulle ansvaret for egen aktivitet i forbindelse med klatringen. BSI Friluft kan ikke holdes ansvarlig for tap eller skade som inntreffer i forbindelse med klatringaktiviteten. Ulykkesforsikring som inkluderer klatring må besørges av deg selv. BSI Friluft sine klatringaktiviteter er et tilbud til klatrere med Brattkort|Klatrekort|Ledkort, og vi klatrer i fellesskap.
->Regarding BSI Friluft's climbing activities<- Climbing is a high-risk activity and you alone are responsible for your own safety. By joining you accept full responsibility for your own activity at the climbing session. BSI Friluft cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage that occurs during the climbing session. Accident insurance, which includes climbing, must be provided by yourself. BSI Friluft's climbing activities are offered to climbers who have a Norwegian climbing card (Brattkort|Klatrekort|Ledkort), and we climb together as a group.
Ny til klatring? Er klatring nytt for deg eller trenger du en ordentlig repetisjon? 🤔 Isåfall anbefaler vi et kurs, med SAMMEN eller Bergens Klatreklubb, til en akseptabel pris for studenter; begge for 1000kr! SAMMEN har helgekurser på Fantoft (https://sammen.ibooking.no/?page=courses&location=730) og Lehmkuhl (https://sammen.ibooking.no/?page=courses&location=736). Bergens Klatreklubb har både helgekurser i Bergenshallen og på hverdagskvelder på den nye Vestveggen ( https://bergenklatreklubb.no/kalender/innforingskurs-for-nybegynnere). Obs❗ Se rett nedenfor hvis du har problemer med å følge et slikt kurs.👇🏽
New to climbing? Interested in learning how to belay and climb with a rope, but no experience yet? Then we recommend taking a course, as long as you can handle that it'll be at least partly in Norwegian (see above). 👉🏽NEW❗ If you can't manage to follow a course in Norwegian, or have another major reason why such a course is not accessible for you (for example social anxiety or poverty), please contact klatring at bsifriluft.no and we'll consider if we can arrange some special training for you.
Venner uten Brattkort Som regel er det ikke ønsket at du tar med deg venner uten Brattkort (eller lignende) til Tirsdagsklatring.
Friends without Brattkort As a rule, it isn't desired that you bring friends without the Norwegian climbing certification (Brattkort or similar) to the Tuesday Climbing.
Erfaren klatrer? Har du klatrekompetanse men ikke Brattkort? Da kan du ta Brattkortprøven med oss hvis du er medlem i BSI Friluft, etter avtale(!). Informasjon om forutsetningene for Brattkortprøven kan leses på https://klatring.no/brattkortproven.
Experienced climber? Are you a competent climber, but lack the Norwegian climbing certificate ("Brattkort")? You can take the corresponding test with us if you're a BSI Friluft member, after an agreement(!). "Competent" means that you can belay (secure) another climber, but you don't have to be a "good" climber!😉
Medlemskap i BSI Friluft Du trenger IKKE et BSI Friluft medlemskap for å bli med, bare hvis du vil ta Brattkortprøven eller låne utstyr fra oss (hvis vi er utendørs). Du kan bli medlem online, se https://www.bsifriluft.no/bli-medlem.
Membership in BSI Friluft You DO NOT need a BSI Friluft membership in order to join, unless you want to take the test or borrow our equipment (when we're outdoors). You can become a member online, see https://www.bsifriluft.no/bli-medlem?lang=en.
Directions to Lehmkuhlhallen:
🚌 Buses 3, 4, 12, 16E, 19 run from the city centre to NHH (bus stop called
Handelshøyskolen) and it takes about 8 minutes. Timetable here:
Alternatively buses 12, 300, etc. from the bus station.
>From the bus stop, it takes about 4 minutes walk to Lehmkuhlhallen.
Directions here:
🚴🏽♀️ Cycling works also reasonably ok as long as there isn't ice or
snow/sleet❄; the last bit of the shortest way is uphill next to a freeway,
thus (sun)glasses recommended in dry weather, and a full drysuit in wet
weather🤿 The freeway stretch can be avoided via small streets on either
side 🚵🏽♀️ (through Munkebotn or through Gamle Bergen)
Directions to Helleneset:
Take a cycle (via Gamle Bergen or NHH), or bus nr. 12 or 19 every 5 minutes
from the city centre to the bus stop called Hellebakken. The bus takes
about 12 minutes: https://reise.skyss.no/planner/travel-plans
>From the bus stop Hellebakken, walk down to the seaside
In the end turn LEFT down to the crag (You'll see it. Not the few new
routes on the right!).
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