På tirsdag (21. februar) er det månedens kveldstur og turen går til Låndasfjellet! Det blir bål, så ta med noe å grille om du vil. Værmeldingen viser usikkerhet om det blir regn eller ikkje, derfor viktig med regnklær.
Vi møtes utenfor Rema 1000 Landås klokken 18.00. https://www.google.com/maps/place/Rema+1000+Land%C3%A5s/@60.3579421,5.3664023,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x463cf922aa95e0d3:0xdd6b226ee3711522!8m2!3d60.3579421!4d5.368591
Ta med varme klær i sekken og hodelykt om du har. Viktig med god regnjakke. Ellers ta med sitteunderlag, varm drikke og noe tursnacks om du vil.
Hilsen Torje
Lurer du på noe, send mail til torjeeriksen at live.no eller melding til 99345969
Gleder meg til tur. Vel møtt!
--------------------- English ---------------------------------
It’s time for the evening trip of the month. This Tuesday (21st February) we are going to Landåsfjellet. I’ll bring firewood to make a small bonfire, so bring something to grill/cook if you want. There might be some rain, so remember to bring waterproof clothes.
Let’s meet outside of Rema 1000 Landås at 18.00. https://www.google.com/maps/place/Rema+1000+Land%C3%A5s/@60.3579421,5.3664023,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x463cf922aa95e0d3:0xdd6b226ee3711522!8m2!3d60.3579421!4d5.368591
Bring warm and waterproof clothes, a head torch, seating mat, a warm drink and some snacks if you want.
Regards Torje
Any questions? Mail me at torjeeriksen at live.no or send a message to 99345869.
Looking forward to the hike!
Disclaimer: BSI Friluft is a voluntary association where neither the board nor leaders of a trip get any economic benefits from this work. As such, the board and leaders of a trip do not necessarily possess qualifications as mountain guides and do not have any financial or judicial liability of any kind. Trip leaders are merely coordinators of the activities undertaken. By Norwegian law, in a case of emergency all are required to aid the person in need according to their own qualifications, physical abilities, and evaluation of the risk involved. Participants are strongly advised to assess their own qualifications before enlisting to a trip. The trip leaders do have the right to refuse participants who do not possess the technical or physical skills necessary to participate in a trip, All activities are undertaken at the participant's own risk and responsibility, and by enlisting to a trip the participant confirms this. Travel insurance is recommended.
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