Leaders: Patrick and Lukas
Date: 22.04-23.04
Difficulty: 2 shoes
===== BESKRIVELSE ===========
Denne helge, vi skal komme oss ut for å oppleve hvordan det er å bygge en Iglo og sove i den. Og alt dette kombineres med en klassisk fjellski tur. Planen er å ta toget til Hallingsskeid på lørdag morgen. Der skal vi finne oss et velegnet sted for å bygge vår Iglo. Bygningsarbeidet vil tar relativt mye tid, dvs.flesteparten av dagen. Vi skal bygge to stykk for å få plass til alle. På søndag skal vi gå fra Hallingsskeid til Finse for å ta toget hjem derifra. Vi skal diskutere togene vi skal ta og eventuelle plan B hvis snøsituasjonen ikke tillater å bygge en iglo på vår ferdarådsmøte på onsdag kl 17:15 i kantina på realfagsbygget. Denne turen krever ingen forkunnskaper vedrørende hvordan man bygger en Iglo. Du burde likevel stille med de riktige klår og kunne gå rundt 15km på fjellski med stor sekk. Også behøver du for denne turen en vintersovepose som har en komforttemperatur på minst -5C. Disse kan lånes fra utstyrslageret men de har bare 4, så hvis du har din egen har du faktisk større sjanse til å bli med ;-) Hvis du vet at du hadde problemer med klaustrofobi før så er det viktig å nevne at inngangspartiet til en iglo er veldig trangt som kan oppfattes veldig ukomfortabelt da. Hvis du har spørsmål kan du også ta kontakt med oss! Utgiftsposter: togbillett pluss noen kroner for felles mat osv.
===== DESCRIPTION ===========
This weekend, we want to take you out to experience building and sleeping in an igloo, and we will combine it with a classic “Fjellski” trip. The plan is to take the train to Hallingsskeid on Saturday morning, where we will be on the lookout for an appropriate area to build our camp for the night. Building an igloo is relatively time-consuming, so it’ll take us most of the day to build. We’re planning on building two igloos for the group to accommodate everyone. Compared to a snow cave, an igloo is the ideal solution for a more base camp orientated way of camping and offers pretty good comfort, well at least as comfortable as sleeping in the snow can be. Sunday we will make our way to Finse with a classic fjellski tour in relatively easy terrain. From Finse, we will take the train back home. The exact times for the train will be discussed at the mandatory trip meeting on Wednesday, 17:15h at “Realfagbygget”. To join this trip, you do not need prior experience in building an igloo. However, you need to bring the appropriate clothing and gear to keep you safe and warm, most importantly woollen base layers, rainproof shell clothing and warm socks and gloves. Also, the comfort temperature of your sleeping bag should be in the negative degrees at least to -5C to offer you a good night's sleep. We have 4 sleeping bags at the equipment room that meet these requirements, so providing your own sleeping bag can enhance the chances of joining the trip. You also need to be ready to ski around 15 km with a heavy backpack. Even though an igloo is more spacious than a snow cave, the tunnel leading to it can feel a bit narrow and might be difficult for people that experience claustrophobia.
Costs: Train tickets + minor expenses for shared food and gas.
Sign up form:
===== EQUIPMENT ===========
Packing list:
* Nordic backcountry skis (fjellski), boots, poles, and skins (long and short) – can be rented from BSI.
* Winter sleeping bag – can be rented from BSI.
* Sleeping mat – can be rented from BSI.
* Snow shovel – can be rented from BSI.
* Ski goggles.
* Sun cream.
* Head torch – can be rented from BSI.
* Drinking bottle(s) / Thermos
* Toiletries.
* Woolen thermal underwear (and spares), woolen socks (and spares),
* hat, mittens/gloves.
* Waterproof and windproof outer layer.
* 1 or 2 additional warm layers (e.g. woolen jumper or down jacket).
===== DISCLAIMER ===========
BSI Friluft is a voluntary association where neither the board nor leaders of a trip get any economic benefits from this work. As such, the board and leaders of a trip do not necessarily possess qualifications as mountain guides and do not have any financial or judicial liability of any kind. Trip leaders are merely coordinators of the activities undertaken. By Norwegian law, in a case of emergency all are required to aid the person in need according to their own qualifications, physical abilities, and evaluation of the risk involved. Participants are strongly advised to assess their own qualifications before enlisting to a trip. The trip leaders do have the right to refuse participants who do not possess the technical or physical skills necessary to participate in a trip. All activities are undertaken at the participant's own risk and responsibility, and by enlisting to a trip the participant confirms this. Travel insurance is recommended.
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