BSI Friluft - Bonus tirsdagsklatring på Hellen festning / Bonus Tuesday Climbing at Hellen festning

BSI Friluft Mailingliste bsi-friluft at
Tue Jun 29 11:52:35 CEST 2021

Bonus edition: due to unattenuated interest, one more Tuesday Climb, this time at Hellen festning. 🌞 NO NEED TO REGISTER 🙌🏽 (But please let us know in time if you want to borrow shoes or a harness, and come pick it up 17:45 (SHARP) in front of Lehmkuhlhallen.) Please don't forget water, sunglasses, and enough clothes (it can get quite windy there). B)

This is the "AFTER-LAST" TIRSDAGSKLATRING THIS SEMESTER! If you need an urgent Brattkort test, please message/email asap and we can fix it later this week.

Everyone who fulfills the following few REQUIREMENTS is very welcome to join! 😊

- Brattkort|Ledkort|Klatrekort, OR adequate climbing experience and confirmed registration for the Brattkort test (see further below)

- Not in quarantine and enough days without: contact with an infected person, travelling from abroad, group partying, and in any case without any suspicious symptoms

- BSI Friluft membership in case you want to borrow our equipment (see further below)

->Orientering rundt BSI Friluft sine klatringaktiviteter<- Klatring er en risikoaktivitet som du utøver på eget ansvar. Du påtar deg det fulle ansvaret for egen aktivitet i forbindelse med klatringen. BSI Friluft kan ikke holdes ansvarlig for tap eller skade som inntreffer i forbindelse med klatringaktiviteten. Ulykkesforsikring som inkluderer klatring må besørges av deg selv. BSI Friluft sine klatringaktiviteter er et tilbud til klatrere med Brattkort|Klatrekort|Ledkort, og vi klatrer i fellesskap.

->Regarding BSI Friluft's climbing activities<- Climbing is a high-risk activity and you alone are responsible for your own safety. By joining you accept full responsibility for your own activity at the climbing session. BSI Friluft cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage that occurs during the climbing session. Accident insurance, which includes climbing, must be provided by yourself. BSI Friluft's climbing activities are offered to climbers who have a Norwegian climbing card (Brattkort|Klatrekort|Ledkort), and we climb together as a group.


Ny til klatring? / Not enough climbing experience? Er klatring nytt for deg eller trenger du en ordentlig repetisjon? Isåfall anbefaler vi et kurs, med SAMMEN eller Bergens Klatreklubb, til en akseptabel pris for studenter. SAMMEN har helgekurser på Fantoft ( og Lehmkuhl ( Bergens Klatreklubb har både helgekurser i Bergenshallen og på hverdagskvelder på den nye Vestveggen (

Erfaren klatrer? Har du klatrekompetanse men ikke Brattkort? Da kan du ta Brattkortprøven med oss, etter avtale(!). Informasjon om forutsetningene for Brattkortprøven kan leses på Hvis du ønsker å ta testen senere denne eller neste uken, send en epost med hva slags erfaring du har til matus.kalas at så fort som mulig😊

Experienced climber? Are you a competent climber, but lack the Norwegian climbing certificate ("Brattkort")? You can take the corresponding test with us, after an agreement(!). If you wish to take the test later this or next week, please send an email with your experience to matus.kalas at as quickly as possible😸

Medlemskap i BSI Friluft Du trenger IKKE et BSI Friluft medlemskap for å bli med, bare hvis du vil ta Brattkortprøven eller låne utstyr. Du kan bli medlem online, se, og deretter få medlemskort på vanlige onsdagskvelder i løpet av semesteret, på BSI Friluft sitt utstyrslageret (

Membership in BSI Friluft You DO NOT need a BSI Friluft membership in order to join, unless you want to take the test or borrow some equipment. You can become a member online, see If you don't have a Norwegian bank account, please pay in cash or by card on usual Wednesday evenings during the semester, at the BSI Friluft's equipment storage (, where you'll also receive your member's card.

Directions to Lehmkuhlhallen (if you need shoes or harness): Buses 3, 4, 12, 16E, 19 run from the city centre to NHH (bus stop called Handelshøyskolen) and it takes about 8 minutes. Timetable here: Alternatively buses 12 and 300 from the bus station.
>From the bus stop, it takes about 4 minutes walk to Lehmkuhlhallen.
Directions here: Cycling works also reasonably ok; the last bit of the shortest way is uphill next to a freeway, thus (sun)glasses recommended in dry weather, and a full drysuit in wet weather 😜 The freeway stretch can be avoided via small streets on either side (via Gamle Bergen or Munkebotn) 🚴🏽‍♀️

Directions to Hellen festning: Take a cycle, or bus nr. 12 or 19 every 10 minutes from the city centre to the bus stop called Eikeviken. The bus takes about 12 minutes: (from Lehmkuhlhallen/NHH you can also just walk)
>From the bus stop Eikeviken, walk up on the hillside in NNW direction to
Hellen festning Possible to bike all the way up, but it's a rather long steep road (park underneath or in the middle if too much). When you're up there, turn left and walk on a flat road all the way to the crag. -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: not available Type: text/html Size: 6850 bytes Desc: not available URL: <>

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