BSI Friluft - Skitur til Grindaflethytten 16-17.02.19 Difficulty: 3 shoes

BSI Friluft Mailingliste bsi-friluft at
Sun Feb 10 15:00:47 CET 2019

Skitur til Grindaflethytten 16-17.02.19 Difficulty: 3 shoes

Det helgen vi skal ta den togen på Lørdag morgen ti Ljosanbotn og ski 18 km til Grindaflethytten. Vi skal sove på den koselig hytten å lage en diger middag. På Søndag vi skal ski tilbake til Ljosanbotn. Du trenger noen fjellski erfaringen eller mye erfaringen på langrenn ski kombinert med noen downhill skills.

This Saturday morning we will take the train from Bergen to Ljosanbotn.

From there we will ski 18km to Grindaflethytten. This is a small self serviced cabin where we will stay the night and prepare a nice dinner. On Sunday we will ski back to Ljosanbotn and take the train to Bergen. If you want to join the trip it is essential that you have experience with backcountry skiing. Either from fjellski or randone combined with some crosscountry experience. There are some downhill parts on the trip. The skiing will take between 5 and 7 hours so make sure you have the stamina for that. If you feel unsure about your skills just write me in the google form.

The costs for the whole trip will be about 600 NOK for transport, accommodation and food. If you are under 26 and have a DNT membership. Otherwise higher :)

Saturday train: 8:39 lokal train to Myrdal Sunday train: 15:53 lokal train to Bergen

Do not book any tickets until the trip meeting !!

*Equipment*: Winterclothing, mountainskies, sleepingbag, sleepinglayer, shovel, headlamp w extra batteries, some extra dry clothes, warm clothing, cabinclothing, sunglasses, googles, gloves, thermos. Some of the equipment is available through our equipment rental. *Costs*: Train, accommodation and food. And rent for equipment. *Sign*-up: This is just your "application" for a spot I will write an email to the people that did get a spot. If you have problems with the google form write: treetreetreetree at *Mandatory meeting for those who have signed-up*: 16:15 the coming wednesday - we meet at the second floor cafeteria of realfaggsbygget. Failure to meet up will result in ban from the trip.

Greetings Konstantin & Ruben

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